
Setting Email DVR Hikvision

Cara Configuration Email Di DVR Hikvision 


Bila menginginkan DVR send out e-mails ketika ada kejadian/events yg ter detect atau exceptions yang triggered, anda harus setup the e-mail settings. 

To setup e-mail settings:

1. Enter the Email Configuration menu by going to Menu > System Configuration > Network.

2. Select the Email tab.



pada tab ini, enter all pertinent email information, termasuk : 

Enable Server Authentication: Enable if email server requires authentication. Enabling Server 

Authenticating will enable the User Name and Password fields. 

User Name: User name to use for server authentication. *kita rekomendasi menggunakan Gmail.

Password: isi Password yg digunakan untuk server authentication. 

SMTP Server: Address for SMTP server.

SMTP Port: Port for SMTP server.

Enable SSL: Enable Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) for out-going e-mail. 

Sender Name: The sender name to use when an e-mail is sent out from the DVR. *isi nama Pengirim*

Sender’s Address: The sender’s address to use when an e-mail is sent out from the DVR. *isi alamat email Pengirim*

Enable Attached Picture: Enabling will attach a small picture segment (Interval can be set below the Enable Attached Picture checkbox) to the out-going e-mail. *mengaktifkan fitur dg penambahan gambar screenshoot camera*

Receiver: Click to edit Receiver Settings. *Masukkan nama penerima dan alamat email* . *Click Apply untuk menyimpan settingan*. Alamat e-mail akan di add ke Recipients list. 

Enable Email Interval: Enable if need sending email between time intervals. The time interval can be set 1, 3, 5,10 minutes * Interval Email di aktifkan bila di inginkan time interval 1,3,5,10 menit

4. You may now test the e-mail settings by clicking the Test button. *anda dapat test koneksi email*

5. Select the Apply button to save the e-mail settings and select to return to the previous menu. Selecting without clicking Save will quit out of the menu without saving settings.  *Pilih Apply untuk simpan setting email, dan pilih return untuk menu sebelumnya


Langkah selanjutnya 

Anda Harus login ke akun Gmail dan ikut langkah berikut:

1. Click pada account icon pada sudut kanan atas




2. Klik My Account 

3. Under Sign-in & Security, Click on Connected apps and Sites

4. Please enable Less Secure apps